Matt's meandering musings...
On returning to Chicago, my home for a few years, for the first time in months, I was struck by what was the same...and what is now different.
The title is pretty self-explanatory. I go through how I would spend my last twenty-four hours on Earth and invite you to do the same ❤️
What is it that you like about your loved ones - whether in a romantic, familial, or platonic sense? Can you name the specific characteristics?
One day of silence to get a rest yielded a multitude of lessons.
This is a thank you to two of the people who have most changed my life. It is the four most important lessons that they have given me ❤️
Lately, the impatience monster has hit again, and it has come back with a vengeance. I decided to do something about it.
The words that we say have their own power, but the energy that we place behind them amplifies their effect, for better or worse.
There are metrics on so many different parts of life to the point where it can be quite overwhelming. I set up these rules to help me cope.
Time is weird. Some days feel like they go on forever while others seemingly go by in the blink of an eye.
I was never a creative person. But making one thing led to a series of events that changed my outlook forever. This is that short story.
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