Sep 20, 2021
Reflection Questions
 min read

What would you do today if you knew you would die tomorrow?

This is the first post of a series of twenty where I will attempt to answer the questions that I posed in the below video.

I figured that if I asked others to reflect upon them, I might as well practice what I preach. Here we go!

We’re all going to die.

It’s one of the few things that we all share in common. For better or worse, the timing and manner of our deaths are not known to us until they actually happen, if we even become aware of them at all.

For kicks and gigs, let’s assume that I knew death was imminent and I had 24 hours left.

Here’s what I would do:

I’d start by dedicating four hours to making a personalized video for each of my closest loved ones as well as a general video for dissemination after my death. In the individual videos, I would be as specific as possible describing exactly what I love about each person so that they would always know what they meant to me. In the general one, I’d spew as much positive and joyful sh*t as possible.

Four hours in the past.

The next things on the list may seem unconventional, but there is a “why” behind them.

I would make myself some chicken casserole (my favorite meal in the world) and, while it is in the oven, I would spend 30 minutes jumping rope. The exercise is for the endorphins so that I am at my best for what is to come and the food is to refuel me so that I have energy for the next set of hours.

Following my meal, which I would focus exclusively on so as to savor each and every bite, I would spend an hour writing out my final thoughts. I’d imagine that there would be some unique perspective knowing that death was imminent so I’d do my absolute best to write something of value to others because that’s all I’ll really leave behind.

Six hours finished.

When the hour strikes, I’ll be finished and move on to what will be both the most joyful and sad tasks of the day - actually saying goodbye to my loved ones. Since teleportation is still not possible (to my knowledge) and I would not want to spend much time traveling, most of these meetings will need to be done over a video call.

(Side note: Those calls will be on Zoom instead of FaceTime so that we can record the calls 🙃)

With some, I would take a stroll around nature. With others, we would play a game. I’d share a meal and some coffee with many. Through it all, I’d work to express my love and admiration while engaging in real, purposeful dialogue. Honestly, I don’t imagine that the substance of the conversations would be all that different from what they are now - what a blessing that is.

Though it may seem ambitious, I’d want to dedicate twelve hours to this.

Eighteen hours passed.

In this fantasy, I often think solely about the emotional stuff, but there would still be practical matters in play. In the following hour, I would get my affairs in order - making sure my family had the information for all of my accounts (there aren’t many!), ensuring that I have no outstanding debts, arranging a service to take most of my stuff and donate it to charity, and taking care of plans for what to do with my body. No need leave them with any work after I’m gone.

Nineteen hours gone.

The following two hours, I would spend going to mass, confession, and quiet time of reflection. I’m not sure what comes other side of death, but I have faith that there is something beyond. I imagine this time with God in the silence would provide peace for my final hours on earth.

Twenty-one hours completed.

My final three hours would be spent with my family. I don’t know exactly what we would do, but being with them would be enough. I saved the best for last and they would know exactly what they meant to me.

Twenty-four hours done and dusted.

Thinking about death and putting a timeline on it made it evident what truly matters to me - my loved ones, chicken casserole, and creating. It’s on me to do something with that newfound knowledge.

What about you, friends?

What would you do if you knew you would die tomorrow?

Please do let me know ❤️

Have the best day today!



Referenced Video:

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